Weekly Wrap Up on the Farm: Announcing Baby Six

Oh, Baby!

It’s been a fun week here on our little farm. Last weekend, we announced we are expecting Baby Number Six in early April. You can check out the kids’ reactions here. Asher is hilarious! We also answered the question, “Where do babies come from?” and “Did we always want a big family?” in this fun little video that Benjamin put together.

But the most fun had to be the gender reveal we had on Monday and are finally sharing this weekend. Of course, to find out, I’m sending you over to the YouTube channel. It’s more fun that way anyway because who doesn’t love to see a gender reveal video? I’ll be sharing my thoughts on boy or girl in next week’s wrap up.

Photo Credit: Cassie McMahan Photography

Growing Spiritually

Switching gears completely, community has been on my mind a lot lately. As an introvert, I can be lazy when it comes to building community. And since I’ve got a big family with lots of commitments, it’s easy for me to make excuses to just stay home. But God doesn’t intend for us to live in a bubble. We have gifts to offer other people and God wants others to be a blessing to us as well. Besides, it’s hard to do life alone.

So, I’ve been trying to be intentional about pursuing relationships. I started a women’s Bible study through my church and it’s slowly getting off the ground, but I’ve been so blessed by the conversations I’ve had with these ladies this past month and the new friendships made. Wealso had dinner with our close friends this week, which is always a blessing. And I stepped majorly out of my comfort zone and went to a Mom’s Night Out with our homeschool co-op. I was so nervous about that last one, but it was such a great time! Do you find it hard to make friendships and build community? Do you have to push yourself to be social or does it come naturally? Do you find it easy or difficult to make adult friendships?

So thankful for that April day on this front porch.

Life With Benjamin Home

Way back in April, Benjamin had a rare Monday off work. We were up and at it early. We worked out in the backyard with our kids running around, doing the occasional burpee with us. We spent some time on the porch together that afternoon and I thought, “Man, this sure is nice. I wish life could be like this every day.”

And, like a whisper, God said, “Oh, but it can, if only you trust and listen to me.” I cling to that day a lot. We are brining income in from my coaching FASTer Way to Fat Loss (which I absolutely love and is the biggest blessing!) and some money from my Instagram account, but it’s not enough to completely pay the bills. The money we saved up is going to run out soon and I have to wonder what God has planned for us. I’m confident He will make the path clear and will move mountains in order for both of us to stay at home. I’m excited to see what He will do next.

What’s on the agenda for this week?

I hope we will begin (and complete!) a couple of small projects around the house. We will be decorating for Christmas soon (life of a home decor IG account!!) and I want to spruce up a couple of spaces. I should have a Thrifty Finds Tuesday post up for y’all this week! I’ll be at Vintage Pickin’ both Friday and Saturday in Taylors, SC. I hope I’ll see some of y’all there!

I hope you have a fabulous and blessed week, friends! Until next time! From my porch to yours!



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