Weekly Wrap Up on the Farm

I’m hoping this idea becomes a weekly thing because I need a place to unload all of my thoughts and to almost just journal this life that seems to go by so fast and slowly at the same time. I know most of you can relate. I’ve wanted to do these wrap ups for awhile now, but I questioned whether or not it had a place here on this blog that mostly shares home projects and decor ideas.

I’m deciding to go for it anyway. 🙂 I know, while I love a good home decor project, I most love people and pouring into their lives in any way I can. I hope by sharing our big family on this little farm, I can bring you some kind of encouragement. My biggest hope is you will feel as if you are right at home with us. Let’s jump into this past week!

Last Saturday, Margaret Mae celebrated her first birthday. I don’t know how it’s possible. Another reminder of how life creeps and flies by all at once. She isn’t walking yet, but she’s been standing up for the longest! We thought for sure she’d be running all over the place by now! She has the biggest grin that just lights up the room.

Happy 1st Birthday, Margaret!
Biggest Sister and Baby Sister

The chickens aren’t looking very much like the cute, fuzzy baby chicks from a month ago! They are getting their feathers. It’s crazy how much they change in a month. We have lost two of our older chickens this week, so I’m glad we got this little group to recoup our flock. I’m not sure if many of our older chickens will make it through the fall and winter due to predators. We are pretty sure an owl got to one of them. Owls will normally leave the body and just eat the chicken’s head (sorry for that description, but someone will want to know why I think it’s an owl! lol) and that’s what we found one morning. The other chicken’s body is missing, just a scattering of white feathers. We aren’t quite sure what took that sweet one.

The chickens at a little over one month old.
And just because they are cute, Olive and Kirby, our miniature pot belly pigs.

Benjamin and I share our thoughts weekly about him leaving his job on our YouTube channel, but I thought it would be good for me to write some out it out here too. There are definitely still moments where I have doubt. Just this week, I asked Benjamin if he thought he was supposed to be looking for a job. I know the money in our savings can’t last forever and Benjamin staying home just doesn’t make financial sense (to us anyway, I know if God has called us to this, He will provide). Benjamin said he would make sure to pray and talk to God about it during his quiet time the next morning.

The next morning I asked if God had revealed anything to him and he handed me his notebook with a verse written down that God had guided him to.

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord” Psalm 27:14

Well, there you go. Even before Benjamin quit his job, this has been something God has repeatedly whispered into my soul. I would pray and ask God what Benjamin was supposed to do and God would whisper, “Just wait. You will see.”

Why is it so hard to wait? So hard to just let God’s plan unfold?

Not too long ago, I asked God how we would pay the bills in a couple of months. I bring in some income, but not nearly enough to pay our bills. Our conversation went something like this:

God: Do you need money right now?

Me: Well, no. But if we aren’t bringing in money now, how will we in a few months?

God: You have no idea what I have planned for you in the coming months, of the paths I’m going to open up. Would I lead you this way if I didn’t have a plan?

Another conversation I want to write down and remember involved me praying one night. I had been praying the prayer over and over again each night and it went something like this:

Me: God, I’m sorry that I’m being so needy. I just need you to pour into me. Help my unbelief. Help my lack of faith. I hate that I have to come to you each night and pray this same prayer. I know I’m bugging you.

God: Daughter, don’t you know that’s the very thing I desire? I want you to come to me each day and acknowledge how very much you do need me. I’m your Father and I want to help you and take care of you.

You can’t argue with that, right? God is good and I’m learning to just rest in Him.

Some other photos I want to share this week:

One thing we’ve incorporated into our routine since Benjamin is home with us is Breakfast with Jesus. Daddy reads from the Bible, we discuss, and pray while the kids eat breakfast. It’s been a blessing.
A Smoothie Challenge happened over on the YouTube channel. I may not be able to stomach a smoothie for awhile! lol

Speaking of our YouTube channel: You can check out that Smoothie Challenge here.

AND we also shared a fun announcement yesterday, which you can check out here! If you haven’t already, please subscribe to our YouTube channel! That way, you won’t miss a thing!

I hope you enjoyed this Weekly WrapUp. Let me know in the comments if you’d like to see this become a weekly thing. 🙂

Until next time! From our porch to yours.



About The Author


2 responses to “Weekly Wrap Up on the Farm”

  1. Love this and following along with you on your faith journey! I definitely think you should keep this up!