Weekly Wrap Up: Christmas Has Come and Gone

I’m a Christmas person. And, yet, this felt like the most un-Christmasy Christmas ever. I don’t know if it was the shorter span between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the politics drama that seemed to invade my social media pages, Benjamin being at home without a job….I don’t know. But it felt different.

Christmas 2019 with the Griers!
Gotta love matching Christmas pjs!
Our 2019 Christmas Card

I tried to get into the spirit. I really and truly did. I had Christmas music going, trees everywhere, holiday movies were being watched, advent Bible stories every day–still didn’t feel the holiday spirit. I always get a bit depressed once Christmas Day arrives and the season is really and truly here and almost over, but this year the sadness is even a bit more prominent because I feel like I never truly got to experience the holiday at all.

Our Christmas Movie Bucket List.
I’m happy to report that we ended up getting to them all. 🙂
This little mischief maker loved ripping into presents this year!

The holiday decor has come down this weekend. It was a little sad to walk into the main living area and not be greeted by the twinkling lights this morning. I’m always thankful that I’m one of those people that puts the decor up early because I really and truly have been able to enjoy the twinkling lights for a good month and a half or so.

It was a good Christmas though and I knew we were in that special season where our kids are all in that special zone of seeing the season with just wonderment and excitement. We enjoyed a Christmas Eve service at our church and then came home to make shrimp and grits and bake chocolate chip cookies. Benjamin and I woke early Christmas morning to start breakfast casserole in the oven and place the presents in the right spots. We read the Christmas story from Luke and greeted grandparents that came for breakfast and to watch kids open presents.

It goes by way too fast, doesn’t it?
The quiet before the storm! lol

The presents were opened and paper flung about. Favorite gifts: Pressley loved her bag with her name on it. Jackson’s was a Nintendo Switch game. Asher’s reply? Maybe his umbrella he’d been asking for or his new Minecraft underwear (I can’t make this stuff up!) and Eleanor’s reply is she loved all her stuff. Margaret seems to love her pink play phone most.

Margaret with her first baby doll from Nana.

It truly was a wonderful Christmas and while it maybe didn’t feel like the most festive season, memories were made and it was special. I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas! Who’s ready for 2020?

Me! I am! We will be greeting our baby boy in three short months. It is flying by, friends! I’m 26 weeks today and I can’t believe it. He’s a little mover in there! I keep looking at Margaret and wondering how in the world she will be a big sister soon. She is still my tiny baby! I guess it’s a good thing that she’s pretty independent, huh?!

Until next time! From my porch to yours!



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