I’ve waited a few months to write this blog post because I wanted to make super duper sure that this stuff was going to stick. I mean, I think we are a little wary of it adhering well in a regular room, but in a bathroom? Is it even possible with the steam and humidity?
Mine has been up for at least six months and is holding up well and shows no sign of coming off. Woohoo!
So far, so good!
And you can even see how daring I was. This stuff isn’t on any ole wall; it’s the wall behind my tub. JUST the tub! This isn’t a shower/tub combo. I have serious doubts that this would work in a shower, but I don’t think anyone would actually want to put up peel and stick wallpaper in their shower, so the point is moot.
So, peel and stick wallpaper, slap dab next to my tub. I love it.
I’m trying to think of questions you may have:
Do you splash a lot in your tub? No. I have also limited my kids taking baths in this tub. Don’t worry. They have their own tub upstairs.
Was it hard to put up? No, in fact it was easier than I thought it would be.
How many rolls did this space take? GROAN. It took two. Each roll is $49.99 and I ran out of the first roll with one section left to do. The ceilings in this room are tall, but it’s still a pretty small space. I’m not sure this is the most economical way to add some pizazz to your wall.
What pattern is this? It’s called Peachy Keen and it’s yellow. The preset I used to edit is throwing the color off a bit. BUT…it was sold out the last time I checked and I’m not sure if it will be coming back. The company was Nuwallpaper. I bought it online at Walmart.
What other tools do I need? A razor blade type of thing. A wallpaper smoother was also really helpful (and it’s really cheap). A ruler may help to draw straight lines.
Drop any more questions below! I’ll update the post to answer them! 🙂