About five years ago, my friend Randi invited me to her Norwex party. I’m such an introvert and Eleanor was a newborn and I tried to make excuses in my head not to go. How could a cleaning cloth change my life, anyway? But I was trying to transition our life to less chemicals and just less, in general. Plus, Randi was a good friend, so I went.
I’m not going to say Norwex changed my life, but it did change the way I cleaned. It’s made cleaning more efficient and easier. I don’t have a lot of bottles of chemicals under my sink anymore. And five years later, I still have those first EnviroCloths that I bought that night (they definitely paid for themselves!). And we’ve incorporated a lot of other Norwex products into our everyday life.
I want to share five of those products today that we use every day or pretty close to every day.
The EnviroCloth: If you’ve never tried any Norwex products before then this should be your first purchase. These are multipurpose for cleaning. If there’s something sticky on the table, I just pick up my EnviroCloth, get it wet, and wipe it up. If I’m going to clean my bathroom, I grab an Envirocloth, get it wet, and start cleaning (nope, no other chemicals or cleaners necessary!). If I need to wipe off my chalkboard wall, I pull out the EnviroCloth…get the idea? I’ve accumulated a whole bunch of these throughout the years and I haven’t had to throw one away yet. I can’t tell you how much money it’s saved me and the environment by not having to use paper towels.
The Body Cloths: This is another product that we use every single day. This is our washcloth and gets underarm stink like nothing I’ve used before. But the best part? It also takes my make up off and I don’t have to use any other products. And, yes, it even takes my mascara off! You can only imagine how much money these have saved me! I used to buy the towelettes to take my makeup off. Not any more!
The Body Cloths (even takes off my mascara!)
The Chenille Hand Towel: So this one was a surprise to me. I think I got this as a freebie for hosting a party and it’s another one of those products that we use every day in our home. I absolutely love it. It hangs on our over and it’s so easy to just dry my hands in the kitchen. I also have a kid’s one in our bathroom, along with a regular hand towel. Guess which one I always use? Yep! The kid’s version of this! I love how it dries my hands after washing.
The Chenille Hand Towel
The Bath Towel: Yes, I even use Norwex for my bath towel. I’ve had mine for two years and I still love it even today! It dries me off quickly, has the self-purifying BacLock and it dries quickly! Just a note, this is a microfiber feel, which isn’t for everyone. I love it, but Benjamin isn’t a fan.
The Body Towel
The Mop: Last, but certainly not least, is the mop. I have a really expensive fancy mop system, but guess one gets used all of the time? Yep, the really simply Norwex mop that just uses water. Think of it as a Swiffer, but you never have to buy any of the cleaner or the mop pads that get thrown away and adds to waste problem our country has. I also love that my kids can easily help mop and that it cleans my floors, without chemicals, which is important for me since I have little kids and pets.
The Mop System
I could list quite a few more products that we use a whole bunch, but I wanted to keep it at 5. These are my favorites, the ones we use every day!
Want to earn free product? Host a party! It’s easy and we can do it all online! Or if you are local, we can do a house party! 🙂
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all of your support! You don’t know how much it means to me and my family! I wish I could hug each of you around the neck!
Can’t wait to receive my products!
I can’t wait either! I hope you love them! Thank you so much for your support, Susan! 🙂