Forty and Pregnant…and Feeling Great

Hi! I’m Sharlie and I’m pregnant with my sixth kiddo and I’m forty years old. I’m so glad you’re here! I’ve been sharing some of my story and information about a program I coach called FASTer Way to Fat Loss all week long. My journey with FASTer Way to Fat Loss actually started about this time last year. I was four months postpartum (yep, you read that right…I just had baby number five a little over a year ago). My body was wreck, but mostly from not taking very good care of myself. I didn’t eat well and wasn’t exercising very regularly. My thyroid was a disaster.

Me, 26 weeks pregnant with Baby SIX!!

If you’ve been around for awhile, you may have remembered watching my Instagram stories when I was pregnant with Margaret Mae (aka Kiddo Number Five). I was normally out of breath and complaining about how I had no energy. I could barely get out of bed in the morning. In fact, I can remember homeschooling from my bed. There’s no way I can have any more babies, I remember telling Benjamin. My body is too old for this. He agreed.

And yet, here we are! It’s no surprise that I get lots of questions that go something like this, “So, how are you feeling? I know Margaret’s pregnancy was really tough.” My sister-in-law asked me the other day where this pregnancy ranked amongst all the other ones. I thought for a second before answering that it was right up there at the top with Asher’s. Asher is the only other pregnancy I’ve had where I was exercising and I ate semi-healthy with him. I ran up until about a week before Asher was born. My labor with him was the easiest and he was born ten minutes after getting to the birthing center. I’m knocking on wood that Baby Six is as good to me.

But, really, I feel amazing. I have so much energy. I’m twenty-six weeks and I’m still working out lifting weights three times a week and doing HIIT twice a week. And I attribute it all to my living the FASTer Way to Loss. I eat a healthy, well-balanced diet with lots of whole food nutrition. I’ve set my macros to maintaining and not losing. Have I been perfect? Nope. I’ve given myself grace, but when I find myself making excuses for myself, I know it’s time to reevaluate.

I’ve also realized that my body is capable of amazing and hard things. FASTer Way to Fat Loss actually has a pregnancy program that I signed up for. If I’m honest, it’s because I thought the workouts might lighten up a little for me. Nope. The pregnancy workouts still had me doing pushups and manmakers (groan). But guess what? I could do the workouts. My body is totally capable of it. It was a huge boost to my self-confidence to realize I can be pregnant and still be strong. Even if the workout was pretty ugly.

I fully believe that the eight months of living The FASTer Way prior to becoming pregnant has helped my body be prepared to carry this child and feel good doing it. The FASTer Way really and truly is for anyone that wants to feel their best. It’s safe for pregnant folks, breastfeeding mamas, sixty year olds, forty year olds, men, people that can’t exercise, people that don’t need to lose weight but need to improve their health…I could go on and on with my list!

My next round is starting soon. I’d love to have you join me! You can claim your spot by clicking here!

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