I’m a Christmas person. And, yet, this felt like the most un-Christmasy Christmas ever. I don’t know if it was the shorter span between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the politics drama that seemed to invade my social media pages, Benjamin being at home without a job….I don…
A couple of years ago, Benjamin and I decided we didn’t want our holidays to be remembered because of the gifts. We wanted to create a true Christmas season experience. We want our children to look back and think about the fun things we did. We began to establish…
I’m hoping this idea becomes a weekly thing because I need a place to unload all of my thoughts and to almost just journal this life that seems to go by so fast and slowly at the same time. I know most of you can relate. I’ve wanted…
I was a new Christian and I started reading a book by Francis Chan called Crazy Love. I may be a little off on my facts because it’s been awhile, but Chan describes a moment in his life where he realized the top check he should write each month…
After a pretty miserable miscarriage in June 2015 (they are all miserable, of course, but this one left with me hefty blood loss and a week of bedrest), I looked at my husband a few months after and told him I was done having kiddos. The thought of going through…