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A Day Trip to Pendleton, SC

Hi! If you are new around here, I’m Sharlie! Wife to Benjamin, mom of SIX (yep, you read that right!), and a lover of history/antiques/small towns. I’ve made it my mission to explore some of these small towns around me and see what all they have…

Visiting Laurens, SC

Hi! If you are new around here, I’m Sharlie! Wife, mom of six, Christian, and lover of antiques and history. I like to visit local small towns (maybe not-so-local towns, one day??) and explore. Find the hidden treats. Spread the word about small businesses that deserve to…

A Day Trip to Abbeville, SC

Hi! I’m Sharlie: wife, mom of six, and lover of antiques/history. I grew up in a small town called Belton, SC and we have a small town square there. In fact, most of the areas near me have a square, normally rundown from years of neglect and people…

Summer Bedroom Refresh

Can I just do a quick Brain Dump over this space? It amazes me how a couple of changes can completely transform a space. I don’t understand how I can love one look for a month and then be ready for something totally different a couple of months later…

My Top 5 Norwex Products

About five years ago, my friend Randi invited me to her Norwex party. I’m such an introvert and Eleanor was a newborn and I tried to make excuses in my head not to go. How could a cleaning cloth change my life, anyway? But I was trying to transition…

DIY: Pulling Up the Carpet On the Stairs…Finally

There are just some projects you put off because you are scared of the “what ifs”. And then you get so tired of it that you think, “Anything is better than this”. This is the story of our carpeted stairs. Actually, it would be the story of all carpet in…

Miller’s HomeBirth Story

I’ve been a little MIA. The last few weeks of pregnancy and (not so) patiently waiting for our little guy’s arrival left me a little blah. But he’s here now! He finally made his arrival at 41 weeks, 4 days (see why I was impatient and blah…

A Letter From a Homeschooling Mom to the New Isolation Homeschooling Mom

Hey Friend! I know some of you’ve suddenly found yourself in unknown territory…you are homeschooling your child because of the coronavirus closing your child’s school down. For some of you this may actually be exciting and something you’ve sorta kinda wanted to try. For others, you…

Stuck at Home, Working on Projects, and Waiting On Baby

Life has been a little crazy over the last month or so. It’s been a busy season and this homebody has found herself having to go somewhere nearly every day of the week. Add to that, I got a nasty sinus infection after my mommy sabbatical and it doesn…

Momma’s Sabbatical

I’m sitting here, wrapping up a pretty magical two night, three day “me” vacation. A few years ago, I would’ve been focused on the idea of three days of being “kid-free” and, man, I would’ve been giddy about that thought. But on Monday morning, as I…